Åh statistik
Måste bara lägga ut det inlägg jag fick av Isabelle, uppskattade det verkligen och i föreläsningspausen idag hade vi rätt kul åt den;) Statistikhumor på hög nivå:P
Här kommer lite uppmuntran från en statistiker till en annan:
How statisticians do it...
Statisticians probably do it.
Statisticians do it continuously but discretely.
Statisticians do it when it counts.
Statisticians do it with large numbers.
Statisticians do it with significance.
Statisticians do it on random walks.
Statisticians do it stochastically.
Statisticians do it. After all, it's only normal.
Statisticians do it with standard deviations.
Statisticians do it with 95% confidence.
Statisticians do it with only a 5% chance of being rejected.
You Might Be a Statistician if...
no one wants your job.
you are right 95% of the time.
you feel complete and sufficient.
you found accountancy too exciting.
you never have to say you are certain.
you may not be normal but you are transformable.
How many statisticians does it take to change a light bulb?
"With what degree of certainty do you need to know?"
3.67 statisticians on the average.
75.23% of the population believe that it takes less than four statisticians.
Top ten reasons to be a statistician
Estimating parameters is easier than dealing with real life.
Statisticians are significant
I always wanted to learn the entire Greek alphabet.
The probability a statistician major will get a job is > .9999.
If I flunk out I can always transfer to Engineering.
We do it with confidence, frequency, and variability.
You never have to be right - only close.
We're normal and everyone else is skewed.
The regression line looks better than the unemployment line.
No one knows what we do so we are always right.
Och så mitt absoluta favoritcitat:
"I am not an outlier, I just haven't found my distribution yet!"
How statisticians do it...
Statisticians probably do it.
Statisticians do it continuously but discretely.
Statisticians do it when it counts.
Statisticians do it with large numbers.
Statisticians do it with significance.
Statisticians do it on random walks.
Statisticians do it stochastically.
Statisticians do it. After all, it's only normal.
Statisticians do it with standard deviations.
Statisticians do it with 95% confidence.
Statisticians do it with only a 5% chance of being rejected.
You Might Be a Statistician if...
no one wants your job.
you are right 95% of the time.
you feel complete and sufficient.
you found accountancy too exciting.
you never have to say you are certain.
you may not be normal but you are transformable.
How many statisticians does it take to change a light bulb?
"With what degree of certainty do you need to know?"
3.67 statisticians on the average.
75.23% of the population believe that it takes less than four statisticians.
Top ten reasons to be a statistician
Estimating parameters is easier than dealing with real life.
Statisticians are significant
I always wanted to learn the entire Greek alphabet.
The probability a statistician major will get a job is > .9999.
If I flunk out I can always transfer to Engineering.
We do it with confidence, frequency, and variability.
You never have to be right - only close.
We're normal and everyone else is skewed.
The regression line looks better than the unemployment line.
No one knows what we do so we are always right.
Och så mitt absoluta favoritcitat:
"I am not an outlier, I just haven't found my distribution yet!"
Ser man på, inte helt fel att vara statistiker alltså:)
kan efter en viktig härledning från Lars också konstatera att vår klass tillhör den elfte generationens renblodiga statistiker, i rakt nedstigande led från Normalfördelnings fader den store Gauss! Det ni:)
Nu är det iaf helg och jag tänker kpppla bort statistik så mycket jag kan, eller ja till viss del iaf då det faktiskt är tenta nästa och fortfarnde två hemuppgifter kvar:)